WEBINAR: Taking on the greenfield operators with digital sub brands

E Mini
2019-10-22 Etiya Marketting
Slider Greenfield Webinar

With many operators setting up sub brands as greenfield opportunities to address new markets and kick start digital transformation, this TM Forum Etiya joint webinar, will look at some of the challenges and the approaches being taken.

During this webinar, Etiya CCO Apostolos Kallis will be also sharing our case study where Etiya enabled an operator to create a new all-digital sub brand in just 10 months.

Join this webinar to:

• Learn how operators are using greenfield sub brands to address new markets and kick start digital transformation

• Understand how a new cloud based solution can accelerate time to market and overcome the limitations of existing IT systems

• Understand the options for creating digital sub brands

• Hear a real case study and the lessons learned

Watch on-demand webinar




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