
Customer Relationship is vital for the success of a business. CRM helps businesses build a relationship with their customers, that creates loyalty, trust, and customer retention, and all that affects a company's revenue.

Businesses are challenged with disparate systems that manage customer data, and many operational processes that don’t communicate and share data with each other. Since various channels don’t have access to complete and accurate customer information, customers receive an inconsistent experience and poor service. Without appropriate customer insights, analytics, a company will not be able to serve customer needs and build a successful, long-term growth strategy.

Why Etiya’s CRM?

Etiya Customer Relationship Management overcomes these challenges by providing a highly scalable, AI based, customer-focused system, enabling your company to exceed customer expectations and generate higher revenues.

Use the power of the latest technology, AI and ML

AI-driven predictions and recommendations based on customers’ buying behaviour, interactions and interests - including social media activities -, allow you to provide services and solutions that fit your customers’ consumption patterns and needs. Real-time view of customer data and interactions, and actionable insights help you maximize the revenue potential of those customer interactions.

Predictive and prescriptive analytics will result in improved customer conversion ratios. Dynamic customer support and sales workflows, operations streamlined through automation and autonomous self-learning will ensure excellent customer experiences. AI-powered bots help you and your customers in intelligent self-service and complaint handling.

Uncover new revenue generation opportunities

Etiya CRM allows you to have quick actions and effective communication tools for gaining and retaining customers. Our CRM modules help you drive leads and acquire new customers, but also to increase customer loyalty and retain existing ones. It provides better campaign engagements and help in generating higher return on your marketing investments. Analysis of customer interactions also highlights opportunities for cross-sells and up-sells. Using Etiya CRM will ultimately bring you an increase in your customers’ lifetime value, thus grow your business.

Achieve better efficiency and productivity

In Etiya’s CRM, your sales and service agents will get 360-degree customer data, that they can trust and build on, in a single-click, consolidated view, with real-time interactions and account history. Both B2C and B2B customers can be managed from one single point, for increased efficiency. For large businesses, Etiya CRM manages all customers, accounts, and account relations. It also enables and efficiently manages partner ecosystems.

Near real-time decision support via sales KPI dashboards will improve sales performance and operational efficiencies. We offer an end-to-end, integrated lead-to-cash process flow for customer management, thus you can increase sales success rates and reduce the time span from first customer contact to closing.

Automation of workflows allows sales and service agents to focus and work more on building great customer relationships and generating more revenue.

Provide excellent customer experience

Omnichannel experience means that you can provide consistent customer experience on any channel, any device, at any time. And all this with user-friendly and intuitive interfaces at every contact point.

With smooth, clear workflows, easy-to-use interfaces, customer-centric offers and services, fast interactions and problem-solving, you can exceed your customers’ expectations and that will offer your business an excellent growth opportunity.

And the technical part?

We know, that easy implementation and system integration is always key. Etiya uses open APIs, and offers a modular system, that is flexible, highly scalable and allows easy integration. Business is constantly changing, as also the needs of customers, and this will constantly require new features and modifications. We use microservices, that will ensure this agility for you, to introduce or modify features and capabilities quickly. Our CRM module is cloud-based, for better scalability, flexibility and cost-effective operation and maintenance, but it can also be deployed on-premises and integrated with the customer’s existing products. Etiya offers consultation services throughout the customization and the implementation process, to find the solution that is most suitable to our partner’s needs.

Etiya Customer Information Management simplifies the management of customer data by providing a single-click consolidated view of the customer that shows the customer’s interactions in real-time, as well as the account’s history. This enables a consistent omni-channel customer experience.

Learning-based algorithms provide predictions and recommendations, and dynamic customer metrics highlight business-oriented customer insights and demographic profiling. It is possible to create accurate customer profiles (incl. social media) and target offers based on those profiles.

Etiya Consent Management acts as business rule enforcer and shields customers against unwanted or unauthorized notifications while ensuring that the essential ones will reach them. It intervenes to all outgoing communication for all customer contacts, and makes sure, that customer data are used only in the context and for purposes specifically allowed by the customer, and processed, stored, and shared in a way, that ensures adequate protection and privacy. It supports various contact points: physical stores, call centers, back-offices and IVRs, online storefronts and self-care, and many more. Consent preferences can be given or updated easily, even through self-care, and all communication and consent updates can be tracked by Etiya Notifications Center, and accessible in case of a dispute or audit.

Etiya Lead Management seamlessly automates and simplifies the lead management process from acquisition to sales. It manages the identification of existing customers and the acquisition of new customers, and enables leads to convert to orders with one click.

Leads can be acquired through different channels or sources, and prioritized and targeted based on different conditions, to increase cross-selling success. Product information can be easily shared with the sales team to facilitate prospect discussions. Dashboards monitor leads and sales channel performance.

Etiya Campaign Management enables its customers to get ahead of the competition with challenging and attractive marketing campaigns. With this enhanced marketing tool, campaign eligibility rules can be defined; lists can be dynamically generated and managed; test campaigns can be executed; campaign budget can be defined; and campaigns can be automatically ended when the quota or budget is reached.

Through business rules and autonomous learning, the best offer is identified for the customer and the recommendations made proactively in real-time. Campaign activity, performance and success rates can be tracked and managed.

Etiya Complaint Management enables companies to rapidly answer customer inquiries, resolve complaints, payment disputes and service questions. The powerful workflow engine orchestrates complaint confirmation, escalation, notification and alerts and generates trouble tickets. Business processes are easy to define, configure, execute, manage, and optimize with user-friendly process and form designers. Machine learning enables autonomous categorization and actions for service-based trouble flow definition, location-based trouble management, service support and user assistance.

Etiya Loyalty Management provides an infrastructure for creating customer engagement programs in line with marketing strategies. With this tool, by rewarding the loyalty of customers, companies increase their customers’ brand engagement and this brings competitive advantage.

Loyalty Management tool provides the companies a sustainable program through matching products and services, that are predefined as rewards for certain customer segments, profiles and conditions. With its smart scoring ability, customers start to earn from the first moment they start collecting the rewards, in accordance with the rules determined within the scope of the engagement program.


  • Personalized customer experiences throughout the entire customer journey, through AI-driven predictions and recommendations based on customer’s past and current buying behaviour, interests and interactions
  • Improved customer conversion ratios via predictive and prescriptive analytics
  • Dynamic customer support and sales workflows, workflow automations for improved operational efficiency
  • 360-degree customer view in a single click, with actionable insights
  • Near real-time decision support for sales performance and operational efficiencies, via sales KPI dashboards
  • Quick and effective actions and effective communication tools for customer loyalty and retention
  • AI-powered chatbots to support intelligent self-service and complaint handling processes
  • Consistent customer experience on any channel, any device, at any time
  • Easy to manage large business customers, their accounts, and their account relations
  • Flexible and modular system, enabling easy implementation and integration